Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lemonade Day 1

I met the group I'll be living with for the next two weeks. We are a wide range of talents and a wide range of talents. There are PhD's, retired clergy, school administrators - a wide range. Fortunately, we all seem well suited to work together as a team and take the unplanned "mishaps"' as they come - you kind of EXPECT that in a trip like this.

Last night, our 6pm from JFK did not leave until 10, and a 7 hour flight took 10 hours because we had to avoid that volcano. Upon landing in Madrid, we learned that we would not be getting a imstant transfer to a Tel-Aviv flight, but instead we were stuck in the airport for 10 hours. The group QUICKLY decided to take advantage of this unplanned time IN MADRID and not gripe about being stuck in another airport.

20 dollars got me a subway ticket, a coffee, and a chance to see a head of state leave the Spanish Senate in his motorcade. There is a lot of history and culture in this city. I am better for having spent the time here. I hope to be in In a bed before too long but enjoying every minute of this delay.

Posted by Malik Moore

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