Sunday, May 2, 2010

Books to read

As I start thinking about this trip - in an ACTUAL sense instead of the spiritual/theoretical sense I have seen it in, I need a good book to read.

Ofcourse, I would like a book suggestion that might be RELEVANT to Jerusalem, peace work, interfaith, government policy, grassroots movements, etc., but I need help
narrowing down my book list as I start packing. Pleas give me your suggestion(s).

Posted by Malik Moore


  1. So far, suggestions I have: From Beirut to Jerusalem, The Lemon Tree: An Arab, A Jew...

  2. good news for you then...congratulations...if you don't mind something which might be a little theoretical (but inspiring and story driven) ...i have only flicked through it with daydreams of buying it but thought you like it as even has a chapter about building peace with dialogue over food..that would tickle you i think...try "Beyond Bullets and Bombs:grassroots peace building between israelis....(it is psychology based but not a text).

  3. Bec, I can't thank you enough for the books, your wisdom, patience, EVERYTHING you do to make me smarter and more compassionate.
